You chose: matteo renzi

  • Italian PM Matteo Renzi resigns following referendum defeat
    Within hours of losing the constitutional referendum Dec. 4, Matteo Renzi submitted his resignation as Premier, one of the few in Italian postwar history whose government lasted over 1,000 days. The huge turnout and the massive 60% vote against the referendum caught pundits by surprise.
  • Donald Trump speaking at a campaign rally
    Donald Trump’s electoral victory created much clamor in Italy as elsewhere. Two subjects seem to be particularly relevant to the Italian public opinion as reflected by the country’s major media outlets: the populist revolt against the establishment and the disconnection of pundits and opinion makers from the true feelings of “the ordinary people.” A cursory look at these first reactions shows both the differences and some striking similarities between the US and Italian political debates.
  • Matteo Renzi con Barack Obama alla Casa Bianca
    Martedì 18 ottobre il presidente del Consiglio Matteo Renzi sarà ospite dell’ultima ‘State dinner’ organizzata da Barack e Michelle Obama, accompagnato da una delegazione italiana simbolo di alcune delle eccellenze del nostro paese. Un’agenda fitta d’impegni per questa visita americana che si concluderà con un ‘pranzo ristretto’ organizzato da interlocutori vicini alla campagna politica di Hilary Clinton.
  • “The General Assembly of the Italian Language” will be held next week in Florence
    Facts & Stories
    Joelle Grosso(October 13, 2016)
    Next week, many of Italy’s most influential politicians as well as various international scholars will gather in Florence to discuss the power and the possibilities of the Italian language. For those not able to attend the event, it can be seen live in streaming on the website
  • An important three-way summit brings together Matteo Renzi, François Hollande and Angela Merkel, meeting on board ship Aug. 22 off the isle of Ventotene. On the storm-tossed agenda: Brexit and the Italian economy.
  • Matteo Renzi: "Italian Internet Day celebrates the deep meaning of the revolution that started 30 years ago, as well as our commitment to close the digital gap within the next four years. " A special celebration of the Italian Internet Day will be held at the Embassy of Italy in the US. A conversation with “the father of the Internet” Vint Cerf, Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist, Googlel Moderated by: Cecilia Kang Technology Policy Reporter, The New York Times. Opening Remarks: Armando Varricchio, Ambassador of Italy to the U.S. (Apr 25 at 6pm ET)
