Maria T. Vullo, Shirley and Vernon Hill with their dog Duffy, and Gianluca Seguso pose for a picture on the NIAF "red carpet."
i-Italy Editor-in-Chief, Letizia Airos, with President of NIAF, John Viola
Joe Piscopo
The Sicilian Tenors
Consul General Francesco Genuardi with Matilda Cuomo, wife of the late Mario M. Cuomo
Managing Director of Goldman Sachs, Anthony Cammarata Jr.
Shirley and Vernon Hill, founders of InterArch and Metro Bank respectively
Vincent A. Cino of Jackson Lewis P.C. with his wife
Anthony Scaramucci, Founder and Co-Managing Partner of SkyBridge Capital
It has been the luckiest thing in my life to be born Italian, to grow up Italian, to have Italian grandparents, to eat Italian food, and to have the pride we all have.
—Anthony Scaramucci
Cooking with Nonna host Rosella Rago
Patricia de Stacy Harrison, Gabriel A. Battista, and Joseph V. Del Raso at the NIAF Board of Directors meeting the following day