ShatteredSimona Zecchi (April 21, 2009)ExpandAs I slept soundly in my bed, I could not understand what that noise was: tinkling, shaking, bumping. I thought my dreams were overwhelming reality. The shake went far beyond normal settling for me to misunderstand it... Permalink Print Pdf As I slept soundly in my bed, I could not understand what that noise was: tinkling, shaking, bumping. I thought my dreams were overwhelming reality.From the same authorSimona ZecchiA Comprehensive Journey through the Italian American Teaching ExperienceSimona ZecchiRoma Independent Film Festival 2010. Spazio all’Indipendenza Simona ZecchiCon più libri contro la mafia, più liberi dalla mafia. Pietro Grasso e Dacia MarainiTags earthquakeabruzzoCommentsi-ItalyFacebookGoogle+Select one to show comments and join the conversation